Susan Valoff

Susan Valoff, MSW, LCSW, CASWCM is Vice President of Windward Life Care, a San Diego firm providing premier care management and in-home caregiving services for older and disabled adults. Susan has 25 years of experience in healthcare and geriatrics, including in hospital social work, home care administration, and Aging Life Care™ Management (geriatric care management). She earned a Bachelor’s of Arts degree from Brown University and a Master’s degree in social work from the University of Chicago. Susan is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the State of California, and is credentialed as a Certified Advanced Social Work Case Manager through the National Association of Social Workers. This certification is recognized by the Aging Life Care Association™ (ALCA) of which Susan is an Advanced Professional Member. Susan received the ALCA Western Region’s “Outstanding Chapter Member” award for 2015. A member of the Greater San Diego Business Association’s Health and Wellness Network, Susan has received advanced training in caring for LGBTQ older adults. Susan volunteers her time as a member of the Advisory Council for San Diego County’s Aging & Independence Services.

The panelists present a discussion focuses on the professional interaction and cooperation.
Member Price: $50
Non-Member Price: $70
CE Awarded:
Presented Date: July 17, 2018