Ron Miller

Ron Miller, CLPF NCG CFA CCTS Realtor, is Co-Managing Principal of Select Fiduciary Group LLC. He has over 30 years of experience serving as a trusted advisor to high net worth families, real estate owners and business owners. As an Investment Banker, he managed over 90 M&A and capital raise transactions and advised clients on succession planning issues. As a Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer, he led organizations through M&A transactions and succession planning initiatives. As a Corporate Trustee, Portfolio Manager and Investment Advisor, he evaluated succession plans and M&A transactions, and executed acquisitions and sales of fiduciary businesses and cases.

This presentation addresses the issues, opportunities and challenges of buying, selling or otherwise transferring a fiduciary practice and related cases to or from another party.
Member Price: $50.00
Non-Member Price: $70.00
CE Awarded:
Presented Date: July 17, 2018