Defending Yourself: Professional Fiduciary Jiu Jitsu

Participate in an interview style format with a trust attorney, a former District Attorney, and a professional fiduciary to learn some “moves” you can make to defend yourself when beneficiaries are coming after you. Even if you do it “right” you may find yourself needing this information.We will cover the legal steps in raising an estate matter from a County Superior to State Appeals, to State Supreme Court and even into federal court. While malpractice insurance is crucial, often the issues that arise in cases may not be appropriate for insurance coverage. Therefore, the focus of this presentation is on handling the variety of actions a contentious beneficiary may take when unhappy with having a neutral fiduciary involved and what you can do about it. We will cover a discussion of the Pizarro v Reynoso case and how it may or may not apply to surcharges; obtaining restraining orders; legitimate vs unwarranted inquiries; and, determining when you are really, really, out of a matter.