Course Category : Practice Management

Establishing and Growing a Fiduciary Practice

Learn from seasoned and established professional fiduciaries the critical elements needed in establishing and growing your practice. The session will provide examples and templates as well as details on how to set up effective systems, how to choose your clients and how to choose the right legal representation. The course will also cover what to […]

Defending Yourself: Professional Fiduciary Jiu Jitsu

Participate in an interview style format with a trust attorney, a former District Attorney, and a professional fiduciary to learn some “moves” you can make to defend yourself when beneficiaries are coming after you. Even if you do it “right” you may find yourself needing this information.We will cover the legal steps in raising an […]

Data Security: What You Need To Know And What You Need To Do

Technology security expert and founder/CEO of True Link Financial Kai Stinchcombe provides actionable guidance on how to identify, measure, and manage data security in the operations of a fiduciary practice.

Conversations That Matter

Let’s face it, there are people and topics that at some point are just off limits. You just can’t do it or them right now. Even worse, often it is a difficult topic that you have to bring up with a difficult person. What if you could engage in these conversations with more confidence, humor, […]

Business Succession Planning for a Fiduciary Practice

This presentation addresses the issues, opportunities and challenges of buying, selling or otherwise transferring a fiduciary practice and related cases to or from another party. We also discuss the pros and cons of forming a business entity through which to operate a fiduciary practice. Fiduciaries who want to grow their business, downsize or even retire […]

Tax Issues in Trust Settlements- A primer on Basics for Trustees

The presentation will convey a working knowledge of income, estate, gift and property tax issues that arise in trust administration cases following the death of the trustor(s). The goal is not to make tax experts of the attendees but to leave them with enough practical knowledge of the subject to understand the basic reporting requirements, […]

Should I Stay or Should I Go, Evaluating Whether (or not) to Take a Case and What to Do if You Accept the Case?

What Is in the Documents? What Is in the Estate? Are There Other Sources of Funding and Payment? What Is the Spending Plan? Bottom Line: Should You Take the Case? What’s your exit strategy?

Recognizing the Many Faces of Elder Abuse and It’s Repercussions

When taking over legacy assets or monitoring existing portfolios, the ability to properly read investment statements will give significant information to fulfill the duty to monitor. Statements can provide critical information but sometimes the information is not obvious. In addition the information contained on statements is essential for filing income tax returns and court accountings. […]

Reading Investment Statements: How to Get Answers to Key Questions

When taking over legacy assets or monitoring existing portfolios, the ability to properly read investment statements will give significant information to fulfill the duty to monitor. Statements can provide critical information but sometimes the information is not obvious. In addition the information contained on statements is essential for filing income tax returns and court accountings. […]

Prudent Investment Principles and Portfolio Review

This course will discuss the fundamental financial management obligations of trustees and fiduciaries under the Uniform Prudent Investor Act. We will identify common ways these obligations may be compromised and how these issues may be remedied.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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