About the Course

Identifying, managing and selling assets is one of a fiduciary’s most important, sophisticated and closely scrutinized duties. This presentation covers all aspects of identifying, collecting and managing assets for new and experienced fiduciaries. Identifying topics covered include demonstrating the key duties of a personal representative, inventorying and appraising assets, working with probate referees and assessor forms and filing an inventory and appraisal. Asset management topics covered include guidelines for asset management, working with cash accounts and working with tangible personal property (autos, jewelry and more.) Selling asset topics include when and how to sell assets, how to gain authority to sell, how to correctly notice for sale, the legal process for sales of real property with and without court confirmation, and how to maximize the sale while limiting liability.
Member Price: $62.50
Non-Member Price: $75.00
CE Awarded:
Presented Date: October 8, 2020

Andrew de Vries, MBA has provided expert real estate sales for private and professional fiduciaries in the Bay Area for more than a decade. With more than 600 successful fiduciary sales transacted in most major Bay Area counties, Andrew brings deep experience-based knowledge to his client’s needs. His services include initial case evaluation, property preparation and development and execution of sophisticated sales strategies to limit a fiduciary’s liability while satisfying all parties involved (including difficult family members.)

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