Archives: Fid. Academy Courses

Protecting Yourself From Liability

Fiduciaries need to do everything possible to minimize risk. Acting as someone’s “fiduciary” is a serious undertaking. Each situation has different considerations and challenges. Further, a professional fiduciary is held to a higher standard than a family member or non-professional. It is impossible to cover all the things you need to do to protect yourself […]

Professional Fiduciaries and Aging Life Care Managers: A Synergistic Partnership

The panelists present a discussion focuses on the professional interaction and cooperation of Professional Fiduciaries and Aging Life Care Managers working in partnership to produce greater client outcomes together than the sum of their separate effects. Moreover, the discussion will point out Aging Life Care Managers function as problem solvers to make the lives of […]

Billing and Petitions for Fees

A comprehensive program regarding billing practices and procedures for professional fiduciaries. The presentation sets forth the relevant legal elements for proper billing along with some helpful hints for streamlining and maximizing your billable time. We will, additionally, cover how to get your fees approved by the Court when court authority is required. This program covers […]

Bill Pay Do’s and Don’ts

Everything you need to know about paying bills for your clients. Top five bill pay practices to avoid and top five practices to adopt. Case studies and other considerations related to the typical bill pay process. What to look out for when it comes to cyber fraud, facing an audit, and needing more staff to […]

Are You Covered? Risk Management And Insurance For Professional Fiduciaries

This presentation will help Professional Fiduciaries: (1) avoid claims and disputes; (2) ensure they are covered by insurance in the event of a claim; and (3) navigate the claim handling/professional liability insurance process.

Are They Prepared? Crisis Planning for Clients and the Role of the Fiduciary

Crisis Planning for Clients with Special Needs and the Role of the Fiduciary

Addressing Mental Health Needs During A Time Of Social Isolation

This course covers the following topics:Identifying mental health issues most likely to be triggered by social isolation/COVID (depression, anxiety, PTSD, substance abuse, suicidality)Education about the importance of behavioral activation, cognitive restructuring, and action plans in alleviating mental health symptoms.How to develop a “COVID care plan.”How to develop a “post-COVID wish list.”

A Case Study of Fiduciary Surcharges

A This session will review the facts, circumstances and outcome of actual surcharge actions against California professional fiduciaries and will discuss how those outcomes could have been avoided.

A Case Study and Conversation About Medical and Fiduciary Ethics

A presentation and conversation about a very difficult case that brings in every difficult aspect that conservators will ever have to deal with. This presentation will discuss a conservatorship of a young man who has severe medical and behavioral problems, his family who was not allowed to be his conservator but, insist they are the […]

A “How To” Guide for Public Benefits in California

A nuts and bolts guide to Medi-Cal, SSI, Section 8 and Regional Center benefits and how to access those benefits.